Pure Camomile Flavour

Twinings Package Redesign

Tasked with finding an existing piece of product packaging that I felt was overly wasteful and not very environmentally conscious, I chose to redesign the Twinings herbal tea packaging. Originally the tea comes packaged in a standard paper box, with full ink coverage, and wrapped in a clear plastic film which is meant to be removed and disposed of. I saw many things that could be improved with the original packaging from an environmental standpoint, and I also wished to update the design to make it more contemporary.

To tackle the wasteful and environmentally harmful packaging, I decided to change some things in order to lessen the environmental impact. Firstly, I decided to go against the common box material choice of bleached cardboard paper, and instead use totally recyclable seed paper, a special type of paper with various seeds blended in which can sprout plants when disposed of or planted. Secondly, I decided to use vegetable based inks for the printing on the box, rather than the typical ink used which has petroleum distillate solvent added.

For the redesign of the packaging I wished to use patterns and colours which related to the product in question. The geometric shapes used are meant to be reminiscent of tea leaves, herbs, flowers, and/or fruits, all of which are common ingredients in herbal teas. The clustered appearance of these shapes is meant to resemble how these plants often grow in groups close to one another. This design is also meant to be easily translated to the multitude of other flavours that Twinings offers, where the colour of the geometric pattern can be changed to suit whichever flavour.

Twinings Package Redesign

Category: Packaging redesign.

Deliverables: Redesigned packaging and updated materials.

Role: Lead designer, independently done.

Honeybush Mandarin & Orange Flavour


Aura Brand Identity


Personal Business Card