Poster Mockup

San Francisco Fashion Museum Poster

This was done as a design challenge in college, where the class and myself had to take two pieces of folded paper out of an envelope to choose both a location and venue, both at random. I pulled San Francisco and a fashion museum and had to design a poster advertising my two choices.

We were also tasked with incorporating a specific design element into our work, and for mine I chose modification. In the poster, you can see that I merged the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, an iconic symbol of San Francisco, with a pair of red high-heeled shoes, a symbol of fashion. I also wanted to have a lot of easily recognizable imagery that reminds the viewer of San Francisco, for example, the Transamerica Pyramid building, the colourful buildings (the Painted Ladies for instance), the hilly terrain, and of course the streetcars. I also wanted to include fashion iconography, in this case, I included several mannequins, both in the building windows as well as riding in the streetcar.


Category: Poster design.

Deliverables: Poster design for San Francisco Fashion Museum.

Role: Lead designer, independently done.


Experimental Posters